When should I get an estimate for my move?
The best time to get an estimate is about 4 to 6 weeks before your planned move date. We offer free, no obligation estimates that are valid up to 60 days. However, we understand that sometimes things happen more quickly than expected. If that’s the case, we’ll work with you to accommodate your short-notice move.
How much notice do you need to schedule my move?
If you’re moving during a peak period, such as the end of the month or during the summer you should schedule your move as soon as you can to ensure you get the date you want. It’s best to schedule about 3 to 4 weeks in advance. However, as long as we have availability, we will book your move regardless of how much notice we get.
How much will it cost?
Interstate move prices are based on the weight of your household goods and the distance that is traveled. Local moves are done based on an hourly rate. You can get a ballpark price to determine costs However, the best way to get an accurate estimate is to have us do a visual survey of your home. Click here to request an estimate and in-home survey.
Is your company insured?
Yes. We carry complete insurance coverage including general liability, trucker’s liability (auto and cargo), worker’s compensation and warehousemen’s legal. To protect your goods against damage and loss, we offer full replacement valuation upon request.
How long has your company been in business?
Pikes Peak Moving & Storage has been one of the premiere moving companies in the Colroado Springs area since 1970.
How do you protect my furniture?
We use all the latest equipment and materials for all of our moves. We use equipment that makes moving easier and reduces the amount of time your furniture is handled. All furniture is protected with furniture pads and/or shrink-wrap. We also take care of your floors and carpet by using protective covering.
How long will it take to move?
Interstate move time frames vary depending on the size of your shipment and how far you’re moving. Once we’ve estimated the size of your shipment, we can give you a schedule for your move. Local moves are typically done in one day. Larger shipments may be done over two days depending on your needs. Packing services are usually done the day before the move. Additional days will be used for packing if necessary.
What if I need storage?
We have a 21,000 sq. ft. storage facility located at 30 Mount View Ln, Colorado Springs, CO. We can store your goods for just a few days or for several months. All items brought into storage are protected with pads and shrink-wrap and kept in private vaults. If you need storage at your new location, there are agencies within our network that can accommodate your needs as well.
Can I do my own packing?
Yes. You can do all your own packing, some of the packing or none of the packing. We can customize the move to suit your needs. Check out our packing/unpacking services options as well as our packing guides and tips.
Where do I get boxes?
For customers who use our service, we offer all types of packing materials including all sizes of boxes, paper, bubble wrap and tape. You can pick up materials at our warehouse located at 30 Mount View Ln, Colorado Springs, or for your convenience, we offer local delivery.